
Tired of Being Continuously Denied an Auto Loan?

Look no further! We work with your credit to get you approved for a loan right away!

Lower interest rates for you than a traditional pay day loan.

Don’t worry, we can help you!

What does it mean for you? It means lower interest rates for you than a traditional payday loan. It means a flexible repayment scheduled, the ability to rebuild or build your credit, and you can make payments you can afford.

Why Choose Loanz For Debt Consolidation?

Flexible Plans

With flexible monthly loan payments from 12-60 months

Competitive Interest rates

Interest rates that are lower than your traditional pay day loans

No Hidden Fees

No deposit needed, no upfront fees, and no prepayment penalties

Have low credit but in need of a vehicle right now?

Loanz can get you driving instantly. With our quick and easy application, you can receive the funds in 24 hours.

What Is The Difference Of A Car Loan Compared To Leasing?

In an auto lease, the lessee gains the privileges of the car for a fixed time period or a pre-defined number of miles driven before the car is returned to the lessor. At no point during the leasing period does the ownership transfer over to the lessee. Some dealerships do, however, have an ownership option at the end of the leasing period for lessees to take advantage of if they so wish. Due to the lack of ownership benefits, all things equal, the payments on auto leases usually are less than payments on auto loans.